
Sunday, October 30, 2011


France now emulates October-18 Mafia, the most disgusting predator of internet
on Earth! Civil society was shocked by the brutality and stupidity of the
October-18 2010 terror, initiated by the government of Greece. That's why
October-18 Mafia is the new name of the government of Greece!

Reporters Without Borders (RWB) points out that with the implementation in
France of the three-strikes legislation and of a law providing for the
administrative filtering of the web and the defense of a civilized internet, the
impact of recent French legislation and government-issued statements about the
free flow of online information are raising serious concerns. Reporting is
difficult for several blogs and dissident bloggers are targeted for office
break-ins and court summons and pressured to identify their sources. For the
first time, France has been added to the Countries Under Surveillance RWB list.

France has adopted marilizardism. Governments of many repressed countries, such
as Greece, use marilizardist tools to manipulate netizens. Marilizard Libel is
accusing dissident bloggers of treason. Marilizard Spaghetti is hurling
charges against innocent people. Marilizard Tower is a stack of imaginary
charges to scare a blogger. Marilizardism is terrorizing dissident bloggers.
October 18 is the international day against marilizardism, and October-18 Mafia
is the marilizardist government of Greece.

Marilizardists use charge stacking, which is the ability to charge a large
number of overlapping crimes for a single course of conduct, building a
Marilizard Tower of charges. This is the most disgusting tool used by the
freakish October-18 mafia to jail innocent dissident bloggers. Combining crimes
enables prosecutors to get convictions in cases where there may be no misconduct
at all. By stacking enough charges, freakish marilizardists try to jack up the
threat value of a trial and thereby induce a guilty plea, even if the
government's case is weak.

Napoleon Sarko has lost the heart of France. Sarko can continue laboring on the
international stage, stirring up Middle Eastern policy and together with Angela
Merkel, trying to save the euro, but none of that will do any good. The man in
Elysee Palace must ask himself what happened to all the political capital he
possessed in 2007. Back then Sarko won not only the presidential election, but
he also had a clear majority in both houses of parliament. He dominated the
Gaullists and inspired great hope with his promise to modernize France.

RWB notes break-ins occur in the offices of several journalists investigating
the Woerth-Bettancourt case. The Mediapart blog reported the disappearance of
computers and hard disks containing information about the heiress to the L'Oreal
empire. These thefts, as well as the phone-tapping and undercover methods used
by French intelligence agents to track the site's journalists inquiring into the
Karachi and Bettancourt cases, are placing the protection of sources principle
in serious jeopardy.

Global Tax Revolt points out the marilizardist persecution of dissident bloggers
is unquestionably a serious attack on freedom of speech, and contrary to Article
2 of Lisbon Treaty, Article 10 of the European Convention of Human Rights, and
Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. The
disgusting October-18 Mafia cannot bully the blogosphere without repercussions
and blowbacks. The international civil society got a shock and awe from the
brutality of the freakish October-18 Mafia on October 18, 2010.

France-Fourth Reich relations have become increasingly similar to the Ballet de
la Merlaison, created by Louis XIII of France in the 17th century. In this
unique ballet, the king authored the work and played the leading role. All the
other roles in the ballet were considered extras, who eagerly danced to the tune
of the king. As long as the king was still alive, this ballet was considered to
be the work of a genius. Sarko, who loves the Ballet de la Merlaison, asserts
France should play the leading role in Fourth Reich. But we all know that
France and all countries of Fourth Reich have become economic provinces of
Germany! Well, France is now the leading colony of Germany!

Kleptocracy, Kangaroo Justice, and marilizardism are anathema to civil society.
It is impossible to control the flow of information in the digital age without
harming public freedoms and damaging economic and social development.
Controlling the net is similar to the squaring of the circle, a problem that
could take ages for people to realize is impossible to solve.

Claude Gueant lodged a defamation suit against Mediapart, which had accused him
of being responsible for the undercover surveillance of its bloggers. Several
Francokleptocrats harshly criticise Edwy Plenel's blog. Xavier Bertrand labels
the blogs' methods as fascist. Nadine Morano accuses Mediapart of being a gossip

Netizens abhor kleptocracy, Kangaroo Justice, and marilizardism. Net neutrality
means the internet has no gatekeeper. It encompasses all the issues related to
the circulation of information on the internet, such as free speech, access to
knowledge, copyright, or innovation. Everyone retains the freedom to access and
produce the information he wants. Nevertheless, kleptocrats threaten net
neutrality by seeking to implement filtering techniques in order to re-establish
the kind of control they used to have on traditional and unidirectional media.

Sarko and Merkel are engaged in a dance that some close to the Elysee Palace
have described as a waltz-hesitation. It's an endless back and forth that must
often seem, to its anxious audience, deliberately designed to confuse. That
audience consists of the 15 other members of the monetary union and, worse
still, the teetering financial markets.

Emulating the disgusting marilizardist paradigm of infamous Graecokleptocrats,
who persecute and jail dissident bloggers, Sarko terrorizes dissident bloggers.
Blogging in Greece, the most corrupt country of Fourth Reich(EU), is considered
an extreme-risk avocation. Freakish marilizardist kleptocrats accuse dissident
bloggers of treason, confiscate their computers at gunpoint, and lock them is
jail! Freak galore! These prisoners of conscience follow the long tradition of
Socrates, who was killed by the Athenian democracy.

Infamous October-18 mafia, government of Greece, uses the cybercops as a
political tool. Cyber Crime Unit (CCU), Dioxi Ilektronikou Egklimatos, is just
a paramilitary gang of October-18 Mafia which terrorizes the Greek blogosphere.
Putting the CCU wolf to guard the sheep gives the government a comparative
advantage over the opposition. This is another form of a Trojan Horse.

Any cell of Greek CCU jail has neither pillows nor toilet! You have to urinate
in a bottle! The whole CCU jail has neither soap nor toilet paper! During the
whole night, scared jailed girls scream for help, but the guards, far away in
their office, pretend they are not listening! If it's not barbarity, what is
it? There is a long way from the civilization of Ancient Greece to the
barbarity of Modern Greece.

Blog Rue89's offices were burgled and more than 20 computers stolen. The offices
of blog MyEurop, located in the same building, were also broken. Augustin
Scalbert, a Rue89 blogger, was indicted for receiving stolen goods for having
published an article accompanying an off-air video clip of Napoleon Sarko on the
France 3 TV network. The video showed Sarko reprimanding a studio technician for
not responding to his greeting prior to an interview!

Sarko senses it will hardly be possible to maintain the appearance that all is
well through to the end of this presidential election campaign. More and more
people are sounding the alarm, everyone from financial experts to politicians.
France is in critical condition and has been in a continuous economic decline
for the last 10 years. With recklessness and arrogance, France continues to live
in its economic bubble, convinced it will never burst. The hard truth of
statistics is unrelenting in its proof that the opposite is true.

Blog Bakchich has obtained a copy of a message from a private detective agency
addressed to the Elysee about the latter's own spy services. According to
Nicolas Beau, the blog's director, it contains tips on how to most effectively
promote the site, for making it more middle-class and institutionalised, and for
turning it into a source with a pro-government viewpoint!

France's seemingly selfless declarations that European solidarity is the highest
duty start to appear somewhat hypocritical, since France itself is in urgent
need of that same solidarity. Sarkozy's weakness as an EU politician, or perhaps
even as one of the saviors of the monetary union, is the unfortunate and
unaccustomed situation he finds himself in: All of his suggestions are dependent
on Germany's approval -- but he has to conceal this fact back home at all costs.

Sarko and Merkel need to have the courage to measure themselves against the
great figures of European politics, such as Charles de Gaulle and Konrad
Adenauer, legendary founding fathers with a vision of European unity.

Bettencourt accountant Claire Thibout revealed that Liliane Bettencourt provided
Sarko with manila envelopes stuffed with cash following dinner parties at her
mansion house in Neuilly-sur-Seine. Everyone in the household knew that Sarko
saw the Bettencourts just for kickbacks. He was a regular visitor. Sarko's
bribing took place in one of the small ground-floor salons close to the dining

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