
Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Eat to Live Right

Okonta Emeka Okelum, Asaba

I love food, I love whatever I eat, but in the end, I just found out that not all I eat is good and great for my health.

There is a unique village in Isreal, of 4,000 population, this village watch what they eat, and maintain a wonderful lifestyle that had kept them healthy and blessed them with long life.

In the village, they over the years had committed to a lifestyle of:
* No meat
* No dairy products
* No chemical additives
* No salt three days per week
* No sugar 4weeks per year
* No smoking
* No alcohol
* Exercise 3 times a week
* Monthly mandatory massage

Their drinks and food types are sourced 100% from plants, vegetables, roots and herbs.

They also observe some strong spiritual code and they lifestyle is captured as enshrined in Gen 1:29.

They are just wonderful and happy folks, enjoying good health and longitivity.

Please eat today to live right, my people.

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