
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Help Cameroon--They Need Your Help

In addition to sending text messages to inform about the demonstrations that commence on February 23
In addition to opening twitter accounts and following TV and Radio personalities in our host countries and abroad to tweet about our demonstrations.

In addition to sending emails to our local politicians, TV and Radio personalities informing them about our plight
In addition to meeting in small groups at home and abroad to strategize on how best to support our fellow brothers and sisters who reside in Cameroon, and who will be actively involved in the field operations.

In addition to talking about the planned demonstrations to our church members, our neighbors, our colleagues, our friends, etc
In addition to making phone calls to Cameroonian Parliamentarians, community leaders, leaders of political parties, traditional leaders, etc to inform them about the planned demonstrations, and also calling on them to endorse these demonstrations.

We should call on all Cameroonians, especially Cameroonians abroad, to perform numerous Google searches on Paul Biya. The purpose of this is to make him the most searched person of the week, month, or for as long as we need to.

Type in things like "Paul Biya African dictator", "Paul Biya Cameroon's dictator", "Paul Biya embezzlement", "Paul Biya in Geneva", "Paul Biya in Baden Baden", "Paul Biya Must Go", "Biya Must Go", "Paul Biya Cameroon police state", etc. Some local news stations review Google hits and talk a bit about the people who get the most hits.

I appeal to all those who may not be able to take part in these demonstrations in Cameroon to please do so in their various localities abroad. Let's make our case. Let's make our voices heard. Let's take it to the finish line this time. Biya must go!

For those who have not been involved in the activities here above listed, please join in and do so. Please be a part of this movement, become a part of this movement. Numbers count so please do not make us one less than the threshold needed to tip Biya out. Send numerous emails out. Search Biya on Google numerous times.

Let's get behind our people. The sacrifices that we make behind the PC are in no way near what our brethren in Cameroon do. Please join in and give your little bit. Paul Biya Must Go!

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