
Monday, November 25, 2013

Nigeria and the Age of Religious Prophesy

 By Sunny Odum

What does the word or terminology 'Prophesy' mean? According to the online dictionary, prophesy simple means 'prediction'. 

In a more simpler diction, prophesy is synonymous to foretelling, forecasting or informing what is yet to happen. In other words, what may happen or may not happen. For instance, the weather forecaster could predict weather events, using some scientific weather predicting tools to forecast that it may rain tomorrow. The Economist could also predict future economic events employing scientific economic predicting tools. Astronomers, Environmental Scientists, Biologists, Geologists, Sociologist, Philosophers, Researchers etc could also predict relative future events by applying the relevant Scientific instruments or methodologies to analyze and predict a future occurrence. And the list goes on.

In possible worlds modal logic, the connective 'OR' is employed to predict and depict events that are logically true in all possible worlds. In other words, the connective 'OR' is truth boding regardless of whatever the outcome an event follows. For example, the assertion, Mary is wearing or not wearing a red dress is true in all possible worlds; both in our mundane world like we know it and any other unknown possible worlds. Even if we proceed to find Mary to ascertain whether she is putting on a red dress or not, does not affect the truthfulness of the proposition (i.e. Mary is wearing or not wearing a red dress).

Prophesies, like predictions utilize the possible worlds modal connective 'OR' implicitly or explicitly. Thus, the truthfulness of prophesy or predictive propositions or assertions are independent of the actual outcome of the prophesy or prediction in question. In other words, whether the prophesy or prediction occurs or does not occur is out of the question. Economists, particularly guard against this anomaly with the extra talisman dictum 'ceteris paribus' or 'all things being equal'. 

Religious prophesies or predictions are archaic, but not inherently different in meaning and import from the Scientific predictiveness that employs objective methodologies. Religious predictions, it is claimed ensues from inspirations which is seen as a mediation between God and man. 

In other words, it is completely devoid of Scientific bases and objectivity. But Religious prediction carries along every predictive assertion the mighty prayer panacea. Therefore, the prediction can either occur or prevented from occurring depending on the prayer panacea. What a tidy outcome!

Nigeria is witnessing an era of religious prophetic predictions. The number of Prophets offering prophetic prediction goodies are on the rise. It is now a fad comparable to the Nigerian 'Yahoo Yahoo' boys epoch. Some of these Prophets claim that 'dream' is their prophetic medium, while some other claim the 'holy spirit'. But what ever the case may be, one thing is certain; religion in Nigeria has found a fertile land full of milk and honey in Nigerian politics, corridors of power and amongst the rich and famous. Certainly, the widows mite from lean tithes are seemingly no longer enough in an age of private jet planes for anybody, especially the clergies, with cool cash.

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